Here Are 5 Healthy Ways To Cook Chicken


Hey fellow Home Cooked Chefs…Here’s a quick question for you. What is one of the best proteins a person can eat which is low in both calories and fat?

If you guessed chicken, give yourself a big ole pat on the back… When compared to red meat, chicken is one of the best proteins. Not only is it lower in fat and calories but it’s also easier for the body to digest; besides you can cook in it many healthy ways for a scrumptious meal on your table.

Chicken is a good source of protein that helps build and repair muscles for a lovely toned body.


Proper cooking methods ensure a healthy meal that is good for heart health and weight management.

Before we get into the 5 Healthy Ways To Cook Chicken, I’d like to first discuss chicken preparation and safe food handling.

There is quite the debate as to whether or not you should wash your chicken before you begin your recipe. If you’re one of the many people who do wash your poultry…you’re not alone. A lot of home cooks as well as professional chefs routinely wash their chickens but realistically there is no benefit to doing this.  On the contrary it actually increases your chances of spreading bacteria around your kitchen as the water splashes off your chicken. Cooking your chicken until it reaches an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees is the only thing you have to do to kill the bacteria found on raw birds. 

Haven’t convinced you? For a more in depth article regarding the reasons you shouldn’t be washing your chicken click here. I also found a video from Julia Child who suggested washing your chicken…the fact that Julia didn’t end up in the hospital with food poisoning after she cross contaminated her entire kitchen (start video at 7:37) is a true testament to how much big corporations have poisoned our current food supply.


Here Are The 5 Healthy Cooking Methods For Chicken:


Grilling is the best method of cooking chicken; this includes, a BBQ grill or indoors in the oven broiler. A squeeze of lemon, a sprinkling of black pepper and paprika will make your chicken a delicious meal you will enjoy.


Most people think that boiling chicken will make it tasteless; on the contrary it will be tender and fall off the bone on your plate. The secret is in the amount of the water used to cook the chicken.

For that reason measure adequate amount of water that will cook the chicken and allow boiling until it is almost absorbed. Add chopped red onions and stir, do the same with tomatoes, bell peppers and some garlic. Sprinkle a bit of turmeric powder and a bit of salt and cover for a minute. Remove and plate with a serving of vegetables and a small portion of whole grain pasta. If you’re following a Paleo Lifestyle simply exclude the pasta and add a salad and/or increase your vegetable serving.


Make time to marinade the chicken overnight so that you can enjoy the baked outcome.
• Place rosemary, juice of half a lime, a tablespoonful of honey, a tablespoonful of olive oil and a dash of vinegar into a bowl. Mix thoroughly
• Add your chicken and place everything into a large size Ziploc bag and refrigerate.
• Bake at minimum of 375F.

Add some baby potatoes around the chicken so that they absorb the juices for a complete meal and serve with a salad of steamed vegetables.

Stir Frying

Only a minimum amount of oil is needed in a wok or a cast iron skillet on the pan to prevent the chicken from sticking. (Try using coconut oil for a flavor punch!)

I suggest you slice your chicken into small pieces or thin strips so that it cooks through faster, then add you could add in any of your favorite veggies like diced carrots, bell peppers, garlic, cabbage, sprouts, zucchini, broccoli and many other nutritious vegetables.

If you like it hot…feel free to sprinkle some powdered red pepper on the chicken .


Steaming food allows it to retain all its nutrients; therefore steaming your chicken with your veggies will provide a nourishing meal.

When choosing chicken for steaming, make sure that it is young so that it is not tough and rubbery when done.

To Marinate Or Not to Marinate?

If you’re interested in raising the flavor of your chicken to the next level you might want to look into marinating your chicken before you cook it. Marinating chicken gives it a lot of flavor and makes it moist and tender without adding a lot of fat. The longer you marinate Chicken the more tender it will be as the juices of the marinade fully absorb into the chicken.

Always remember to throw away the left over marinade that the chicken soaked in to avoid salmonella poisoning.

Great Marinade Ideas:

• Ground mustard, minced garlic, ½ lemon juice, pinch of salt, a sprinkle of black pepper, fresh coriander, a tablespoonful of olive oil and ¼ cup cider vinegar.

• Diced red onions, rosemary, cinnamon, turmeric, one teaspoonful of sunflower oil, 2 teaspoonfuls honey and juice of one small lime.

• Natural fat-free yogurt, low sodium soy sauce, cayenne pepper and fresh thyme.
• Low sodium soy sauce, fresh garlic and onion powder.
Don’t hesitate to experiment with your own marinades, there are many great flavor concoctions that can yield a delicious and healthy chicken dish.
Also, there are many fine bottled marinades available in stores, these can be great time saving methods to cook chicken.

Final Suggestions

If you can use skinless chicken breasts, these are the lowest in fat and calories. The skin increases fat by about 20%. You can also cook with the skin, but, remove it before eating.

So how do you cook your chicken? Let me know by posting your comments below…and don’t forget to like and share this article.

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