Shrimp and Scallop Stirfry

Hey… Bryan here from with another step by step recipe.

In today’s recipe I am making Shrimp and Scallop Stirfry…

seafood stir fry

This recipe cooks very fast but does require some work to be done ahead of time. To make this recipe fast you’ll need to pre-cut all of your vegetables ahead of time and thaw your seafood. I make this recipe when I know it’s gonna be one of those days!

I began preparing for this meal by pre-cutting all my veggies earlier that morning but you could do the chop chop the night before…

Here’s what I cut for this recipe.

1/2 onion

1 clove of garlic (finely diced)

half red pepper

3-4 spears of asparagus (cut into thirds)

1 carrot

1/2 tomato , finely diced

1/2 zucchini

2-3 fresh mushrooms

and a handful of broccoli

(This recipe serves 2.)

You’re also going to need about 1/4th of a cup of olive oil, s&p, a good pinch of seafood spice, (You should be able to purchase a seafood spice at your local grocery store) 7-8 tiger shrimps and 5-6 scallops thawed and dried.

I’ll begin by adding enough of the olive oil to just coat the bottom of the pan and set my burner to high…Now before we start…do what you need to do now, cause once you start the frying pan, you don’t have time to mess around. You’ll need all your ingredients stove side!

So if you’ve got all your ingredients stove side… Make sure your oil is heated before you start adding your ingredients or you’ll end up with soggy seafood and vegetables. Start by adding your shrimps and scallops and coat with a good sprinkling of your seafood spice…you should hear a searing sound and there should be some bubbling going on. ( It’s really important to dry your seafood once it’s thawed. Adding water to heated oil is never a good thing…so make sure to dry your seafood. I just use paper towel and that works fine!

Anyhow, after about 45 seconds -1:30 (depending on size of scallops and shrimps) I flip the shrimps and scallops over, sprinkle a bit more seafood spice and fry for another 1:00 to 1:30 depending on size and then remove from pan.

I’ve got a metal bowl I use for this but any bowl will work…place the seafood into the bowl and set aside…Return your pan to the heat and add 1- 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan. Return to searing temperature and toss in your pre-cut veggies (with the exception of the zucchini.)

Continue stiring your veggies for about 1:45 – 2:30 and then add your seafood back into the pan. Now’s the time to also add in your zucchini as well (I add the zucchini last simply because I like my zucchini still a bit crunchy and if you add it too early it becomes soggy).pad thai

Usually I would whip up my own sauce, but tonight I decided to break Paleo and go with a store bought stir fry sauce. I know, I know…store bought!!!

For those of you looking to keep it Paleo…you can use the following recipe to create your paleo friendly Pad Thai sauce…

– 5 Medjool dates, pitted
– 5 Tbsp. fish sauce
– 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
– 2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
– 5 Tbsp. coconut aminos
– 3 Tbsp. raw honey
– 3/4 tsp. ground ginger
– 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (if you like more heat…add more!)

Whether you use the store bought sauce or make your own…you’re gonna drizzle it into the pan as soon as you add your zucchini and seafood and stir to coat…usually about :45 – 1:00 and then plate.

While I ate this dish as is…you could cook up some rice beforehand and add your stirfry onto a bed of rice or in keeping it paleo you could add it over a bed of cauliflower rice.

Equipment you’ll need:

– Large skillet or wok
– Stirring spoon
– Cutting board
– Kitchen knife
– Vegetable peeler
– Wisk
– Mixing bowls
– Measuring spoons

I’d love to hear what you think. Please feel free to leave a comment below!

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