Water Drinking Challenge

Welcome to my water drinking challenge!

This challenge will last 7 days and will guide you through the process of drinking more water on a regular basis.

Not only will you log your water each day to make sure you drink the minimum amount required, but you’ll also learn new benefits of drinking water and some excellent tips for making it taste delicious and keeping up with your water drinking goals.

Why Drinking Water is So Important

We’ll go more into the many benefits of drinking water on day 2 of the water drinking challenge, but for now, here is a brief list of some benefits you get by drinking more:

  • Avoid dehydration
  • Have healthier skin, hair and nails
  • Decrease your appetite to help you lose weight
  • Stay full in between meals
  • Cleanse your body of bad toxins
  • Maintain a healthy body and mind

Print Your Challenge Notes and Daily Water Drinking Log

Make sure before you even sign up to get started on day 1 of the water drinking challenge, you print the pages I created for the challenge.

This includes an overview of the challenge called ‘Water Drinking Challenge Notes’ and the Daily Water Drinking Log.

You’ll also notice that the drinking log includes up to 12 glasses of water a day. While everyone’s minimum is 8 glasses a day, you will soon learn that some people have unique needs and need to drink more than this.

Go ahead and record as many glasses of water as you need to according to your own needs! If you need more than 12, just include them in any way you can.

By day 3 of the challenge, you’ll know the amount of water you should drink each day, but even on days when you don’t quite reach it, at least aim for those 8-10 glasses of water as your base minimum.

Learn How to Motivate Yourself to Drink More Water

Since you’re taking the water drinking challenge, you probably either struggle to drink enough each day, or simply don’t enjoy water. This challenge is also going to help you find new ways to encourage drinking more water, from changing your daily habits to tricking your mind into getting more water, such as from food sources like cucumber and water-based soups.

I sincerely hope you have fun with this challenge and please remember that while it’s fun to follow along with others, feel free to start and stop the challenge at any time.

This challenge is meant to teach you the fundamentals of water drinking, encourage you to drink more, and make you understand why it’s one of the best things you can do for your body.

Use the form below to sign up for my 7 day Water Challenge